來源:網絡 作者: 2008-11-20 16:11:57
康復醫學與理療學 Rehabilitation Medicine & Physical Therapy
運動醫學 Sports Medicine
麻醉學 Anesthesiology
急診醫學 Emergency Medicine
口腔醫學 Stomatology
口腔基礎醫學 Basic Science of Stomatology
口腔臨床醫學 Clinical Science of Stomatology
公共衛生與預防醫學 Public Health and Preventive Medicine
流行病與衛生統計學 Epidemiology and Health Statistics
勞動衛生與環境衛生學 Occupational and Environmental Health
營養與食品衛生學 Nutrition and Food Hygiene
兒少衛生與婦幼保健學 Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health
衛生毒理學 Hygiene Toxicology
軍事預防醫學 Military Preventive Medicine
中醫學 Chinese Medicine
中醫基礎理論 Basic Theories of Chinese Medicine
中醫臨床基礎 Clinical Foundation of Chinese Medicine
中醫醫史文獻 History and Literature of Chinese Medicine
方劑學 Formulas of Chinese Medicine
中醫診斷學 Diagnostics of Chinese Medicine
中醫內科學 Chinese Internal Medicine
中醫外科學 Surgery of Chinese Medicine
中醫骨傷科學 Orthopedics of Chinese Medicine
中醫婦科學 Gynecology of Chinese Medicine
中醫兒科學 Pediatrics of Chinese Medicine
中醫五官科學 Ophthalmology and Otolaryngoloy of Chinese Medicine
針灸推拿學 Acupuncture and Moxibustion and Tuina of Chinese medicine
民族醫學 Ethnomedicine
中西醫結合醫學 Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine
中西醫結合基礎醫學 Basic Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative
中西醫結合臨床醫學 Clinical Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine
藥學 Pharmaceutical Science
藥物化學 Medicinal Chemistry
藥劑學 Pharmaceutics
生藥學 Pharmacognosy
藥物分析學 Pharmaceutical Analysis
微生物與生化藥學 Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy
藥理學 Pharmacology
中藥學 Science of Chinese Pharmacology
軍事學 Military Science
軍事思想學及軍事歷史學 Military Thought and Military History
軍事思想學 Military Thought
軍事歷史學 Military History
戰略學 Science of Strategy
軍事戰略學 Military Strategy
戰爭動員學 War Mobilization
戰役學 Science of Operations
聯合戰役學 Joint Operation
軍種戰役學(含第二炮兵戰役學) Armed Service Operation (including Operation of Strategic Missile Force)
戰術學 Science of Tactics
合同戰術學 Combined-Arms Tactics
兵種戰術學 Branch Tactics
軍隊指揮學 Science of Command
作戰指揮學 Combat Command
軍事運籌學 Military Operation Research
軍事通信學 Military Communication
軍事情報學 Military Intelligence
密碼學 Cryptography
。ê娛麦w育學) Military Education and Training (including Military Physical Training)
管理學 Management Science
管理科學與工程 Management Science and Engineering
工商管理學 Science of Business Administration
會計學 Accounting
企業管理學(含財務管理、市場營銷學、人力資源管理學) Corporate Management (including Financial Management, Marketing, and Human Resources Management)
旅游管理學 Tourist Management
技術經濟及管理學 Technology Economy and Management
農林經濟管理學 Agricultural and Forestry Economics & Management
農業經濟管理學 Agricultural Economics & Management
林業經濟管理學 Forestry Economics & Management
公共管理學 Science of Public Management