來源:網絡資源 作者:中考網整理 2020-04-17 22:40:35
三. Sam and Tod (1)
Sam had a dog. Its name was Tod. It was very helpful, but it ate too much. So Sam didn't like it, and he wanted to kill Tod. He tied Tod in a bag and put it in asmallboat. He rowedthe boat to the middle of a big river. Just as he? threw thepooranimalinto the river, the boat began to go down. Both Sam and Tod fell into the river.
薩姆有一只狗(dog)。他的名字叫托德。它很有用(helpful),但它吃的太多(eat too much)。所以薩姆不喜歡他。薩姆想殺死(kill)托德。薩姆把托德綁(tie)在一個袋子里,把它放進一只小船(small boat)。他把船劃(row)到一條大河(river)的中央(middle)。他正要(just)把這只可憐的動物(poor animal)扔(throw)下河的時候,船開始下沉,薩姆和托德兩個都(both)跌入(fall into)河里。
三. Sam and Tod (2)
Tod was able to swim, but Sam couldn't .The dog bit (咬) therope and got out ofthe bag. It triedi ts best to swim to saveSam. The man was saved, so he was verythankful to the dog. He did not want to kill the dog any more. From ?then on, he gave the dog as much food as it wanted.
托德能(be able to)游泳(swim),但薩姆不會。狗把繩子(rope)咬斷,從袋子里出來(get out of the bag)。它竭盡全力(try one's best)游過去救(save)薩姆。薩姆獲救了,所以他對托德是非常感激的(thankful).他不再(not… any more)打算殺它了。從那以后(from then on),小狗想要吃多少食物(food)薩姆就給多少。?